Thursday, October 9, 2008

Back to Reality

Hi everyone,
Had a great weekend in Michigan.  Spent time shopping, biking the island, spending time with friends, and growing in our marriage.
On monday and Tuesday we were at the Grand Hotel for a marriage conference with Jay and Laura Laffoon, check out their website  Dr. Kevin Leman talked and gave us some great things to ponder and challenged us in our marriage. 
Back on duty, alot of sickness is going around here on the job. Trying to stay healthy.



sarah.flyingkites said...

welcome back! glad you had a good time.

(i heard dr. leman on focus a few weeks ago. wow, he is NOT afraid to say it like it is!)

hope reality isn't too hard to get back in to!


Pam said...

Wow! That sounds like an AWESOME time!! Welcome back to reality! I just "love" reality, don't you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Holly, you've been tagged, if you haven't already. See my latest post for details.

Video Promotions said...

I like Dr. Kevin Leman too. I met him when helping him produce his video series "Value Packed Parenting."

Since then, I've supported his efforts to make parenting easier by devoting a blog to his video series.
Watch a short clip from Making Children Mind without Losing Yours
or "Making Marriage Work."

I think his latest book release "How to Have a New Kid by Friday" is good too.